Dr. Christian P. Janssen

Associate Professor Human-AI Interaction (esp. in mobility)
Experimental Psychology, Utrecht University (The Netherlands)

E-mail: c.p.janssen 'insert usual symbol here' uu.nl (best way of contact)
Phone: +31 (0)30 253 4582 (note: due to remote work, I hardly use my work phone -- e-mail me)

Visiting address:
Utrecht University
Experimental Psychology
Heidelberglaan 1
Room H0.52
3584 CS Utrecht
The Netherlands


To get to the campus, check this link: Directions to "Uithof" (UU campus).
You will enter the Martinus Langeveld building at the intersection of the Heidelberglaan with the Coпmbrapad. You first go up a flight of stairs. The building has various sections, I am on floor 0 of section H. You start in section F, on floor 1. Follow the signs to "floor 0", as there are only designated doors that you can open without a special access card. Once on the lower level follow the signs for section H, then find my office.